Your best
kept secret

QuSmart.AI™ - encrypt like you care

Perfect Secrecy

Where Ransomware goes to die. Learn More.

One and Done

Exceeds new NSA CNSA 2.0 PQC Algorithms. Learn More.

Trust No One

Not all up in your business; we are stateless. Learn More.

The Real Deal

Meets Secure by Design Framework. Learn More.

QuSmart.AI™ Products and Solutions provide an additional line of defense for your most valuable information.

Modernize your stack for quantum-proof resilience.

Minimize impact of bad actors.

Comply with cybersecurity mandates.

Seamlessly Integrate with existing solutions.

Our Products

QuSmart.AI Infinity EaaS

Enhanced Encryption as a Service (EaaS) with perfect secrecy to protect data

QuSmart.AI Infinity QSIaaS

Quantum Security Infrastructure as a Service (QSIaaS) for cloud, on-prem, and IOT


Perfect Secrecy

Perfect Secrecy defies computational constraints and stands invulnerable, even when confronted with the formidable power of quantum computers. It’s a remarkable achievement in the world of cryptography! 🚀🔒

Yes. Perfect Secrecy was first defined in 1946 by Claude Shannon and declassified in 1949. Rather than based on a hard math problem, it is based on statistics and probability. There is no math problem that can be solved to decrypt or break the encryption.

It is very cost-effective compared to other encryption methods, including other One Time Pad Solutions.

Proven by mathematical proof, perfect secrecy encryption is the only encryption method that is un-hackable, given unlimited time and resources. Old methods of accomplishing this were complex, required securely storing a large mask/pad to recover the white text, and used more than twice the bandwidth to send to the receiver.

A modern, novel approach to perfect secrecy has been developed, avoiding these costly requirements. AI-based technology has been developed, making perfect secrecy not only more effective but more cost-effective than current cryptography methods. 

Our novel Patent Pending AI technology:

  • 143% faster than AES256
  • Doesn’t require storage or transmission of the mask/pad/key
  • Requires no keys to be tracked or storage making this new approach more cost-effective than current and PQC cryptography methods

Perfect secrecy, or one-time pad encryption, differs from other encryption methods in several key ways: 

  1. Key Length: In perfect secrecy, the key length is equal to the length of the message. This is in contrast to other encryption methods where the key is typically much shorter than the message. 
  2. Key Usage: The key in perfect secrecy is used only once and then discarded. In other encryption methods, keys can be reused across multiple encryption/decryption cycles. 
  3. Security: Perfect secrecy provides absolute security against ciphertext-only attacks. Other encryption methods can provide computational security, but they can potentially be broken with enough computational resources. 
  4. Information Leakage: With perfect secrecy, the ciphertext reveals no information about the plaintext, other than possibly its length. In contrast, some other encryption methods can leak statistical information about the plaintext.

Perfect secrecy, also known as one-time pad encryption, is a method of encryption where each bit or character of plaintext is encrypted with a random key or pad that is used only once. This makes the ciphertext indistinguishable from random noise, providing perfect secrecy. 

Traditional malware attacks often rely on exploiting vulnerabilities in software or intercepting and deciphering messages. However, if a message is encrypted with perfect secrecy: 

  1. Intercepted messages are unreadable: Even if a malware intercepts the encrypted messages, it cannot decipher them without the one-time pad, which is supposed to be truly random and kept secret. The intercepted ciphertext would appear as random noise, making it impossible for the malware to extract any meaningful information. 
  2. No patterns to exploit: Since each encryption key is unique and not reused, pattern-based attacks such as frequency analysis are ineffective. In other encryption methods, patterns in the plaintext could potentially be detected in the ciphertext, but this is not the case with perfect secrecy. 
  3. No software vulnerabilities to exploit: Perfect secrecy relies on the randomness of the key and the security of the key exchange, not on the complexity of the encryption algorithm. Therefore, traditional malware attacks that exploit software vulnerabilities are ineffective against it. 

SQL injections are ineffective with perfect secrecy because perfect secrecy, also known as information-theoretic security, implies that the ciphertext provides no information about the plaintext. This means that even if an attacker can inject SQL commands, they would not be able to infer any meaningful information from the results because the results are perfectly encrypted. 

SQL injections work by manipulating SQL queries to gain unauthorized access to data. An attacker uses input fields to insert (or “inject”) malicious SQL code. This code can trick the database into executing unintended commands, such as revealing, modifying, or deleting data.

However, with perfect secrecy, the data that an attacker could potentially access through SQL injection is encrypted in such a way that every possible plaintext is equally likely given the ciphertext. This means that the attacker gains no information about the actual data, even if they can manipulate the SQL queries.

In other words, even if an attacker successfully performs an SQL injection attack, the data they retrieve will be useless to them because it’s perfectly encrypted.

NSA | Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite 2.0

In September 2022, the NSA announced CNSA 2.0, which includes its first recommendations for post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.

QuSmart.AI products and solutions meet the NSA CNSA 2.0 standards, FIPS PUB 197FIPS PUB 180-4, and NIST SP 800-208.

The concept of perfect secrecy in cryptography has gained renewed interest in today’s landscape. Several factors contribute to this trend, making perfect secrecy an increasingly attractive approach:

  1. Quantum Computing Threats: With the advancement of quantum computing, many existing cryptographic algorithms, particularly those based on number theory (like RSA, ECC and even the new PQC candidates), are at risk. Perfect secrecy, as provided by the one-time pad, is immune to quantum computing attacks because it does not rely on computational hardness assumptions.

  2. Increasing Computational Power: General increases in computational power make it easier for attackers to break cryptographic algorithms that rely on computational difficulty. Perfect secrecy doesn’t rely on the computational difficulty of certain mathematical problems, making it immune to such advances.

  3. Enhanced Security Needs: In an era of increasing cybersecurity threats, the absolute security guaranteed by perfect secrecy is highly appealing. This is especially true for sensitive communications in government, military, and certain corporate applications.

  4. Awareness of Metadata Vulnerabilities: Even though perfect secrecy can provide complete confidentiality of message contents, modern cryptography also needs to address metadata security. The growing awareness of these vulnerabilities is leading to more holistic approaches in cryptography, where perfect secrecy can play a role in a multi-layered security strategy.

  5. Need for Long-Term Security: For information that requires long-term confidentiality (several decades or more) and “steal now and decrypt later attacks”, perfect secrecy offers a solution that is not vulnerable to future advances in computing power or mathematical breakthroughs. 

Stateless is the Ultimate Vendor Data Privacy

In a stateless process or application, there is no stored knowledge of or reference to past transactions. Each transaction is made as if it’s being conducted for the first time. This keeps your data safe.

QuSmart.AI™ is a women-founded Quantum Security company with patent-pending technology for perfect secrecy solutions that are quantum proof AI solutions.

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