Tailoring Quantum Security: QuSmart.AI Perfect Secrecy in Closed Systems, PQC for Open Networks

As quantum computing continues to develop, many organizations are considering how best to protect their data from the quantum threat. The rise of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) has brought new algorithms designed to be resistant to quantum attacks. However, PQC is only a part of the story. For closed networks, where all endpoints are known and controlled, QuSmart.AI’s Perfect Secrecy offers a quantum-secure solution, immune to quantum attacks, that can eliminate the need for traditional asymmetric keys, simplifying encryption while offering unmatched security.

Let’s explore where and when asymmetric keys—whether PQC or traditional—are still needed, and how QuSmart.AI’s Perfect Secrecy can replace them in closed systems.

Asymmetric Keys Are Still Necessary In Open Networks

Open Networks:

    • In environments like the internet, where parties have no prior relationship.
    • Asymmetric cryptography facilitates secure key exchange between strangers.

Dynamic Endpoint Environments:

    • Where participants frequently join or leave the network.
    • Impossible to initialize every new participant with a shared secret securely.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Requirements:

    • Applications needing digital signatures for non-repudiation.
    • Scenarios where widespread trust without prior contact is essential.
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