Shannon's Perfect Secrecy: Standardized Proof Framework

Building on Shannon’s Foundation: While achieving perfect secrecy was long considered impractical – until QuSmart.AI Infinity Perfect Secrecy Solutions – Claude Shannon’s groundbreaking work laid the foundation for modern cryptography. He defined the conditions for unbreakable encryption, guiding the development of the computationally secure ciphers used today. Now, QuSmart.AI builds upon this foundation, making perfect secrecy a practical reality.

QuSmart.AI Perfect Secrecy Audit and System Audit

The QuSmart.AI AI Engine Validation has successfully passed all Perfect Secrecy tests required by the protocol.

  • The system ensured each encryption key is unique, meaning no key is reused.
  • The system ensured that the keys is as long as the data, ensuring compliance to Shannon’s Perfect Secrecy key length standards.
  • The system generated keys that consistently achieved the statistical equivalent of the entropy of Atomic Radioactive Decay, 1.0.
  • The system achieved an entropy value of 1.000000 using the Shannon Entropy Test, exceeding the ideal value of 1.0 within two seconds of use of infinitely long keys* for streaming data.
  • The AI system has an Intelligent Key Management that does not store or pass keys creating the ultimate key security.  

These results confirm that the QuSmart.AI encryption engine meets or surpasses Claude E. Shannon’s definition of Perfect Secrecy.

Patent Pending Technology

Unbreakable Perfect Secrecy Encryption Theorem

Claude Shannon, a pioneer in information theory, developed the groundbreaking model of perfect secrecy in the 1940s, a theoretically unbreakable encryption. This ultimate level of secrecy is attainable, but only under the following stringent criteria:

  • Absolute secrecy: The key must be completely unknown to the attacker.
  • True randomness: The key must have high entropy.
  • Length matters: The key must be at least as long as the message itself.
  • One-time use: The key can never be used to encrypt anything else.
Perfect Secrecy is a Theorem. The best way to think about, Shannon’s Perfect Secrecy Theorem, it is like an enterprise control framework that is audited, but does not include the tech specs of how to do it.

Perfect Secrecy System and Software Testing Overview

Testing involves evaluating the performance, accuracy, and reliability of a system by running a series of controlled tests. In the case of the QuSmart.AI AI Engine, testing was performed to ensure that the encryption engine meets specific standards of security, randomness, and compliance with Perfect Secrecy protocols. The results of these tests help confirm that the system operates securely and as intended under various conditions. To ensure relevant results for User Acceptance Testing (UAT), we used the QuSmart.AI Infinity EaaS (Perfect Secrecy Encryption as a Service) Certified Microsoft Azure Managed APP deployment available on the Azure Marketplace. 

Key points about Shannon’s entropy and perfect secrecy: 

  • Definition of perfect secrecy: According to Shannon’s theory, perfect secrecy means that an eavesdropper cannot gain any information about the plaintext by observing the ciphertext, essentially making the ciphertext completely random with respect to the plaintext. This can only be achieved in a high entropy system and that begins with the entropy of the key.
  • Entropy as a measure: Shannon entropy is used to assess the strength of encryption systems. A high-entropy encryption key means it is harder for attackers to guess, making the encryption system more secure. Entropy, in this context, is a mathematical measure of uncertainty or randomness within a key. A higher entropy indicates greater uncertainty, which is what is required in a perfectly secure encryption scheme.

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Important Note on NIST Entropy Certifications:⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

It’s critical to understand that NIST certifications, such as those based on SP 800-90B, apply only to the entropy source used in a QRNG (Quantum Random Number Generator), not to the cryptographic keys generated by that QRNG. These certifications assess the quality of the physical processes or hardware that produce the random bits.

However, the Shannon Entropy formula provides the standard for evaluating the actual ensures the entropy of the key itself. This ensures the final key used for encryption.

The following standardized formula is used to calculate the Shannon entropy  H  of a given input string of a key.


Given the discrete random variable X variable that is a string of N “symbols” (total characters) consisting of n different characters (n=2 for binary), the Shannon entropy of X in bits/symbol is :

where is the count of character .

This formula calculates the “specific” or “intensive” entropy, similar to the concept of “specific entropy” in physics (entropy per unit mass or mole). ****

Resource: Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site.

Example of System Testing. Not meant to represent all testing.

Testing involves evaluating the performance, accuracy, and reliability of a system by running a series of controlled tests. In the case of the QuSmart.AI AI Engine, testing was performed to ensure that the encryption engine meets specific standards of security, entropy, and randomness that are in compliance with Shannon’s Perfect Secrecy Theorem. The results of these tests help confirm that the system operates securely and as intended under various conditions.

All QuSmart.AI Infinity EaaS Azure Managed APP products went through AI and manual pen testing of the automated deployment and the security of the deployment before being certified to post are offerings.

  • Purpose: To validate that the randomness (entropy) of the keys meets or exceeds a perfect score of 1.0, based on Claude Shannon’s entropy principles.
  • Result: ✅Passed. The system produced keys consistently at an entropy score statistically equivalent to radio active decay, 1.0 to 1.000000, demonstrating ideal randomness and strong encryption quality
  • Purpose: This test ensures that there are no unintended similarities in encrypted key samples, which could indicate weak encryption.
  • Result: ✅Passed. No similarities were detected, confirming the robustness of the encryption.
  • Purpose: Ensures that the encryption keys are always at least as long as the data being encrypted, which is crucial for maintaining security.
  • Result: ✅Passed. No examples of keys shorter than the message were observed, thus passing the test.
  • Purpose: This test checks whether the key process produces sufficiently entropy regardless of the size of the file being encrypted.
  • Result: ✅Passed.

QuSmart.AI is a women-founded Quantum Security company with patent pending technology for perfect secrecy solutions that are quantum proof AI solutions.

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